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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

If there is one thing we can count on in life, it is change. Life’s constant changes can make it difficult to balance caring for your family and supporting the organizations you care about. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Instead of giving a fixed amount to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF), consider gifting a percentage of your estate, retirement account, or life insurance policy.

Gifting a Percentage in Your Will

If you want to remember TPWF in your will, there are two ways that you can support the wild things and wild places of Texas with a percentage gift:

  • Gift TPWF a percentage of your estate in your will or living trust.
  • Leave TPWF a percentage of your residual estate (the portion of your estate that remains after all claims of the estate are settled).

Gift Us a Percentage of Other Assets

You can also remember us in your future plans by naming TPWF a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets or life insurance. Naming us as a beneficiary is as easy as filling out and returning a form.

  • Request a copy of the change-of-beneficiary form from your retirement plan or insurance provider (or download a copy from their website).
  • Fill out the form, naming Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and including our Federal Tax ID 74-2602504, along with the percentage you would like us to receive.
  • Sign and return the form to your plan administrator or insurance company. Please be sure to keep a copy for your records as well.
  • Notify us of your gift so we can thank you for your support and welcome you into our John Graves Legacy Society.

Every Gift Matters

Gifts of all sizes, from 1 to 100 percent, make a difference to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation. Please contact Merrill Gregg at 214-720-1478 or if we can help answer any questions about naming TPWF a beneficiary in your plans.

The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.