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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Texas Game Wardens watch over the lands, waters, wildlife and people of Texas. And in times of natural disaster, they are on the front lines saving lives. Texas Game Wardens are widely recognized as the best trained corps of conservation officers in the nation, and TPWF supports efforts to advance their capabilities.

Game wardens undergo the most rigorous training of any peace officer in Texas. TPWF has played a critical role in raising private funds for the Texas Game Warden Training Center. This training facility represents the beginning, middle, and end of every game warden’s career, serving as their initiation into the culture of service and excellence that is expected.

Enhancing Texas Game Warden’s capabilities is a priority for TPWF. Through support from TPWF, a highly successful K-9 Unit was established in 2013. TPWF continues to support the unit by adding new K-9s and purchasing specialty equipment over and above standard-issue gear.

The state provides the basic necessities for Texas Game Wardens, but there is still a critical need for additional equipment. Since 2017, TPWF’s Gear Up for Game Wardens program has raised more than $6 million in private funds to help advance the capabilities of Texas’ 550 game wardens and equip them with specialized equipment beyond their standard issue gear.

Are you ready to join us?

Together, we can ensure the vitality of our lands, waters, and wildlife for the benefit of all Texans.

“Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted until progress began to do away with them. Now we face the question whether a still higher ‘standard of living’ is worth its cost in things natural, wild and free.”

Aldo Leopold