Meet Jessie Story
Jessie Story loves documenting wild creatures big and small. The Amarillo photographer and videographer studied wildlife biology as an undergrad and later earned a master’s degree in communications. She spends as much time as she can at Caprock Canyons State Park.
“I came here originally for the bats because there’s a colony of Mexican free-tailed bats here. I knew there were bison, but until I saw them, I didn’t fully appreciate what magnificent creatures they are. I’ve been chasing them with a camera ever since.”

“Understanding the meticulous kind of details that go into conserving land and wildlife is eye-opening. Once you gain that information, there’s no going back.”
She has captured plenty of other species at Caprock with her camera, from tarantulas and camel spiders, to horned lizards, prairie dogs, coyotes and bobcats.
“I’ve really learned a lot about Caprock Canyon State Park. And the more I come, the more I learn. When you get to know an area, you figure out its ins and outs and the general movements of the wildlife and that really helps you plan what you’re going to shoot. But with all the planning, you also have to be able to just catch something when it happens unexpectedly.”

Jessie shares her photos and videos on Instagram and Facebook.
“I enjoy sharing what I see and learn on social media. Lots of people tell me that they had no idea what I have posted was even there. And they want to go see for themselves. And when they do, they tell me it’s even better than they thought it would be. I love getting more people involved.”

Her experiences outdoors have changed her perspective on just about everything.
“I used to be a completely different person. Completely unaware. You think you have a sense about being environmental, and maybe you have your own straw when you go to Starbucks. But being out here and actually understanding the meticulous kind of details that go into conserving land and wildlife is eye-opening. And once you gain that information, there’s no going back.”
Follow along with Jessie on her outdoor adventures.