Many people overlook life insurance as a giving option, but it’s an easy way to leave a wild legacy for Texas. Giving the gift of life insurance to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) has the following perks.
1. Cost-Efficient
Life insurance allows you to make a significant gift even if your means are limited today. By making small premium payments each year for a limited number of years, you can leave a gift of sizable proportions.
2. Tax-Beneficial
For an existing policy, you may receive a federal income tax charitable deduction. For a new policy, with TPWF named as the owner and beneficiary, your premium payments may be deductible as charitable gifts.
3. Secure and Confidential
Your life insurance policy is a contract and therefore cannot be changed by unhappy heirs. If you make TPWF the owner and beneficiary of the policy now, it will not be included in your probate estate and therefore will remain confidential.
4. Helpful to Our Mission
Life insurance gives you the option to make a gift with an asset other than cash, helping you to make a bigger impact than you may have ever thought possible. Help us conserve Texas’ wild things and wild places for generations to come!
Life Insurance Policies You Can Give:
- A recently issued policy
- An existing policy in premium-paying mode
- A paid-up life insurance policy
Interested in learning more about how Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation can help you plan for the future? Contact Susan Walters at 214.720.1478 or to start a conversation today.